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Whāia o moemoea pakihi me mātou

Nurture your business dreams with us

Timatahia, whakanuia ranei to haerenga pakihi me Te Kōrau, te kaupapa whanaketanga pakihi aa-arahi a te Maori e arahi ana ia koe i nga huarahi katoa.

Kickstart or elevate your business journey with Te Kōrau, the Māori-led business development programme guiding you every step of the way.

Tautoko kua whakaritea

Customised support

Ko ta matou roopu kaipakihi mohio, tohunga ahumahi me nga kaitohutohu pakihi ka tohatoha i o raatau mohiotanga me o raatau whakaaro hei awhina i a koe kia angitu.

Our experienced team of entrepreneurs, industry experts and business advisors will share their knowledge and insights to help you succeed.









Whakauru atu ki tetahi hapori pakihi e ora ana
Join a thriving business community

Hono atu ki etahi atu kaipakihi, tiritiri wheako, whai whakaaro nui me te hanga i to whatunga tautoko i roto i to taatau hapori pakihi hihiri.

Connect with other entrepreneurs, share experiences, gain valuable insights and build your support network within our dynamic business community.

Mō Te Kōrau
About Te Kōrau

Mai i te tau 2016, kei te poipoi a Te Kōrau i te kaipakihi me te whakamana i nga pakihi Maori i Te Tai Tōkerau. Kei te pirangi matou ki te awhina i a koe ki te whakatuwhera i to kaha pakihi me te whakatutuki i o moemoea.

Since 2016, Te Kōrau has been fostering entrepreneurship and empowering Māori businesses in Te Tai Tōkerau. We're passionate about helping you unlock your business potential and achieve your dreams.

Whakanuia to pakihi me Te Kōrau

Elevate your business with Te Kōrau

Ka whakawhiwhia e a maatau awheawhe me nga kaupapa he taiao tautoko me te mahi tahi ka whiwhi koe i nga pukenga, matauranga me te maia ki te angitu i roto i te pakihi.

Our workshops and programmes offer a supportive and collaborative environment where you'll gain the skills, knowledge and confidence to succeed in business.

Me whai i te huarahi e whai ake nei ki te angitu
Take the next step towards success

Whakapaa mai ki a matou i tenei ra ki te ako atu mo a maatau kaupapa whanaketanga pakihi me te pehea e awhina ai koe ki te whakatutuki i o whaainga pakihi.

Contact us today to learn more about our business development programmes and how we can help you achieve your business goals.